Don’t kill it – upgrade it

Kim makes some interesting points this week about being slavish in business to process. Anyone who has run a business for any length of time knows that without process, there is chaos. But there is also a point where too much process gets in the way of getting things done. That’s when it’s time to ask- is this still working?

The biggest enemy to process improvement is the old attitude of “that’s the way we have always done it.”

This mindset is common in any workplace as people find comfort in the known. And knowing how things are done is part of being in your comfort zone.

I always find the best way to improve your processes is to ask the new guy. Literally. Whenever you have someone new start in your business, ask them how they would go about a task. Even if you don’t agree with their approach, there is always something valuable to learn from their perspective.

Another is to assess the big three drivers of your business – sales, service and administration.

For sales – are you happy with the level of new business coming in? If not, what about your process is not working? Who seems to be attracting lots of clients? What are they doing differently?

For service – are your clients happy? Will they be there for the long term? Do they ask questions? How quickly do they expect an answer? Clients are hard won, and best kept, so anything you can do to increase the conversation flow, add value through improved services and by offering interesting information delivered via upgraded processes can help. We are seeing advisers and accountants who have sophisticated communication strategies and are creating content that looks personalised but relevant to many – the age of the email newsletter or annual letter is probably coming to an end.

For administration – here’s where process really comes into its own. Can you look at your business with fresh eyes? Can you challenge your team to make one new improvement per month – which they present to the team?

Hero process improvements, and keep looking for upgrades – just like the latest iPhone, there are always ways to upgrade your thinking.

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