Who wants a small business anyway?

Advice from some of the greatest business owners of our time

With all the talk of the importance of small business to the Australian economy, it’s worth noting that only 9 per cent of all small business owners employ more than 19 people.  So most businesses are, well, for want of a better word –  small.

To hear Kate Carnell in our last episode say that if all small business in Australia just employed one more person, Australia would not have an unemployment problem really hits home. When we say let’s help small business, what we really need to do is make small business owners think BIGGER.

Thinking big is what our Prime Minister is advocating – to be entrepreneurial and see new opportunities for our businesses to grow both in Australia, and overseas.

It’s not always easy for business owners to see the forest for the trees, which is why I thought it interesting to share with you words of wisdom from some of Australia’s greatest business owners and leaders – who started with nothing but an idea.

All of these business owners had one thing in common – they were not afraid to think big, and took action on that thinking. Each has had heartaches, mistakes and stumbles – but has prevailed.

Lindsay Fox, one of our best known transport billionaires, started thinking big young.

Maggie Beer – our foodie turned empire builder. Here, Maggie and I talk about the challenges of creating scale from small to big.

Father Chris Riley – on managing a big business which started small, while keeping his leadership style based on trust.

I truly believe we need to keep providing inspiration and living examples to small business owners – to reassure, educate and lead them toward fulfilling their own vision – and having the courage to think big. After all, everyone in Australia is sure to benefit.

Vanessa Stoykov is the chief executive of evolution media group and the creator of No More Practice and the co-creator of The Bottom Line. She has specialised in the art of storytelling in business, and is passionate about telling stories that inspire people into positive action.

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