When you hear the phrase Your Best Interests, all sorts of things spring to mind. Whether it is someone acting in the best interests of a client or the law that protects them, it is the sort of statement that can be seen as motherhood.

But when we worked on a name for the program more than three years ago, it was the one phrase that we believed truly summed up what a good financial adviser has at heart – the very best interests of their client.

Many advisers we know tell us of the joy they get from becoming part of their clients lives. But all of them have stories of the insurance claim they facilitated that saved a family from tragic circumstances, at least financially. And it is when they tell these stories that you really start to see what motivates advisers – and it is not making money. Rather, it is protecting families, contributing to prosperity, and teaching people to take control of their own financial future.

I look back gratefully on my adviser, who I met in my mid-twenties. It was her that encouraged me to start a savings account (ok so she actually opened one for me) and had a portion of my salary going into that account. In less than two years that account became my deposit for my family’s first unit and together with my (then) fiancé, we pooled our savings to get into the property market. I look back now and think how lucky I was that she gave me that push in the right direction – and got my super on track, sorted my insurance and made sure my company structure was tax effective.

On top of all that, she agreed to be in the first ever reality TV show for financial services, the launch of our pioneering education program No More Practice. I am always grateful to Zoe Shacklady for her sage advice – and am thrilled to see her living her dream life in her waterfront mansion after successfully selling her practice. Her successful and prudent approach to business has set her up for life. (You can watch Zoe’s story and her judgement by Mark Bouris here)

By telling you my story of how an adviser truly acted in my best interests, I hope it gets you to reflect on what moments you have helped shape the lives of those that walk through your door.

Your advice has helped catapult thousands of Australians down the path of prosperity and we aim to tell the other 8 in 10 Australians who currently don’t seek financial advice, just how powerful and life changing your expertise can be.

Please share your greatest achievements and stories of how you successfully helped a client secure their financial future by emailing:

We look forward to sharing your stories with the rest of Australia.

The opinions, advice, or views expressed in this content are those of the author or the presenter alone and do not represent the opinions, advice or views of No More Practice Education Pty Ltd. Our contents are prepared by our own staff and third parties who are responsible for their own contents. Any advice in this content is general advice only without reference to your financial objectives, situation or needs. You should consider any general advice considering these matters and relevant product disclosure statements. You should also obtain your own independent advice before making financial decisions. Please also refer to our FSG available here:

How do you define your value as an adviser?

There are countless opinions about how advisers can (or should) position themselves in the marketplace. Evalesco director Jeff Thurecht discusses how his approach led to a transformation of his business.